Tuesday 26 March 2013

Multimedia Approach ad Its Effect In Teaching Mathematics For The Prospective Teachers

Vol. 8 No. 2
Year: 2012
Issue: Sep-Nov
Title: Multimedia Approach ad Its Effect In Teaching Mathematics For The Prospective Teachers 
Author Name: D. R. Robert Joan, S.P. Denisia 
Multimedia improves the effectiveness of teaching learning process of multimedia in formal or informal setting and utilizing scientific principle. It allows us to sort out the information to analyse and make meaning for conceptualization and applications which is suitable for individual learners. The objectives of the study was to measure the effectiveness of the multimedia approach in teaching Mathematics for prospective teachers and the experimental research is essential for finding out into effective from the population of prospective teachers, the investigator selected 30 students from a college of education in Tamil Nadu. Tools used were Multimedia package for Mathematics prospective teachers developed by D. R. Robert Joan and S. P. Denisia, 2012 and Achievement test in Mathematics developed by D. R. Robert Joan and S. P. Denisia, 2012. In the experimental group, student teachers were taught the subject Mathematics by using this Multimedia package for Mathematics. The control group student teachers were taught using Active learning methodology. Findings of the study showed that there was significant difference between pre-test and post-test scores for the experimental group in learning Mathematics.

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