Monday 12 May 2014

Restructuring the Future Classroom - A Global Perspective

Vol.9  No.2

Year: 2013

Issue: Sep-Nov

Title : Restructuring the Future Classroom - A Global Perspective

Author Name : Shivakumar, Manichander

Synopsis :

The students are the consumers as well as co-creators of knowledge. Information does not flow top-down any more. Networks, peers and students inquisitiveness teach students. Teachers act as filters. Collaboration is the key. In today's world for the netgen, knowingly or unknowingly technology and the free flow of information via internet has made young mind wanting. Over the last few decades, everything has changed in our lives with the all pervasive intervention of technology. However classrooms have remained untouched by technology. The classrooms that our grandparents went to are exactly the kind of classrooms our children study in. Chalk and blackboard, a packed classroom, text books, regimented curriculum, a teacher painstakingly explaining abstract concepts with the limited tools at her disposal. Imagine a Science teacher explaining how a DNA replicates, a History teacher teaching a class about the Harappan Civilization, or a Geography teacher teaching how Block mountains are formed.

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