Friday 4 July 2014

Rubrics and Evaluations

Vol.9  No.4

Year: 2014

Issue : Mar-May

Title : Rubrics and Evaluations

Author Name : J. Skelton, C. Rodgers , ELLIS L., LYLES A

Synopsis :

The authors' discussion will describe how classroom leaders at every academic level can use rubrics as a means of selfassessment. This strategy and the use of the rubric as a tool can help to provide effective feedback that can develop into a constant reflection of how effectively a teacher focuses on student success by means of their instructional success. There are many theories on pedagogy but many do not tie leadership and self-evaluation at the end of the day or week. The authors look to expose a gap in literature that could assist teachers in staying motivated in their instruction and bridge the gap of status-quo instruction with the need to set goals and exceed those self-created goals with student success.

For more details:

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