Wednesday 16 October 2013

Bringing ICT to Teach Science Education for Students With Learning Difficulties

Vol.8 No.4

Year : 2013

Issue : Mar-May

Title : Bringing ICT to Teach Science Education for Students With Learning Difficulties

Author Name : H.G. Jeya Harish, R.Krishna Kumar , B. William Dharma Raja

Synopsis :

The purpose of the following study was to examine the impact of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in Science classrooms of students with Learning Disabilities. Teachers were positive about the learning benefits and design of the Science curriculum. Students were more critical but still positive about these features. Learning Science has both Cognitive and affective implications for students with LD.From a constructivist perspective, the process of learning is viewed as an active construction of knowledge rather than a passive reception of information.ICT provides cognitively engaging and motivating instructional tools for individualizing the mode of delivery , developing special tutors, using metaphors as instructions, Cross curricular Connections in science, reducing the  cognitive load on working memory and motivating the students to stay on the same task.

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