Wednesday 16 October 2013

Determining the Outcomes of an Innovative Solution for At Risk Students: Using the Tri–Squared Test as Advanced Statistical Analysis to Verify the Impact of Ninth Grade Freshman Academies, Centers, and Center Models upon Minority Student Retention and Achievement

Vol.8 No.4

Year : 2013

Issue : Mar-May

Title : Determining the Outcomes of an Innovative Solution for At Risk Students: Using the Tri–Squared Test as Advanced Statistical Analysis to Verify the Impact of Ninth Grade Freshman Academies, Centers, and Center Models upon Minority Student Retention and Achievement

Author Name : James E. Osler II, Carl Waden

Synopsis :

This paper discusses the implementation of the Tri–Squared Test as one of many advanced statistical measures used to verify and validate the outcomes of an initial study on academic professional’s perspectives on the use, success, and viability of 9th Grade Freshman Academies, Centers, and Center Models. The initial research investigation published in iManager’s Journal on School Educational Technology determined that academician’s view these types of academic programs as positive solutions that aid in the retention and projected completion of High School minority “At–Risk” students. This advanced approach to data analysis is a transformative mixed methods research design that involves the in–depth comparison of the initial research qualitative and quantitative outcomes and establishes the validity and reliability of the researcher’s instrument.

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