Thursday, 14 November 2019

Relationship between Learning Strategies in Mathematics and Learning Styles among IX Standard Students

Volume 15 Issue 1 June - August 2019

Research Paper

Relationship between Learning Strategies in Mathematics and Learning Styles among IX Standard Students

R. Saraswathy*
*Department of Mathematics, Sri Sarada College of Education, Salem, Tamil Nadu, India.
Saraswathy, R. (2019). Relationship between Learning Strategies in Mathematics and Learning Styles among IX Standard Students. i-manager’s Journal on School Educational Technology, 15(1), 36-44.


This research aims to investigate the relationship between learning strategies in mathematics and learning styles among IX standard students. The study included the categorical variables gender and medium of instruction. In this study, 88 students studying in IX standard from government, government aided, and private schools in Salem district, Tamil Nadu, India were selected through random sampling technique. Normative survey method was adopted for the study. Learning strategies in mathematics scale was standardized and it consisted of 68 statements with four strategies, viz. cognitive strategies, meta-cognitive strategies, non-informational resources management, and informational resources management. The second tool was Honey and Mumford's Learning Style Questionnaire, which consisted of 80 items on four styles, viz. Activist, Reflector, Theorist, and Pragmatist. The data collected from the samples are statistically analyzed by using percentage analysis and correlation technique. Result shows that information resources management strategy was the most followed learning strategy and reflector style was the most preferred learning style. Result also shows that there is significant positive correlation between learning strategies in mathematics and learning styles.

Meta Cognition among Senior Secondary School Students of Bhutan

Volume 15 Issue 1 June - August 2019

Research Paper

Meta Cognition among Senior Secondary School Students of Bhutan

Sangay Jamba*
*Gaselo Lower Secondary School, Wangdue Phodrang, Royal Government of Bhutan.
Jamba, S. (2019). Meta Cognition among Senior Secondary School Students of Bhutan. i-manager’s Journal on School Educational Technology, 15(1), 30-35.


The existing research was carried out to study the meta cognitive skills among the students of school in Bhutan. This study was basically descriptive method used to acquire important and accurate information. The objective is to find the levels, gender, stream, and locality related differences in meta cognitive skills. The investigator selected 300 senior secondary school students through convenient sampling technique. For the collection of data the investigator used meta cognitive skills, tool developed by Dr. Punita Govil. The researcher used mean score, standard deviation, percentage, t-test, Pie charts, and bar graphs as statistical techniques. The result showed that 1% senior secondary school students had meta cognitive skills very high. 17.66% senior secondary school students belong to high level meta cognitive skills. 39.66% senior secondary school students had average level of meta cognitive skills. 28.66% senior secondary school students belong to low level mega cognitive skills. 13% senior secondary school students belong to very low level meta cognitive skills.

The Integration of ICT in Geography in Selected Kadoma High Schools, Zimbabwe

Volume 15 Issue 1 June - August 2019

Research Paper

The Integration of ICT in Geography in Selected Kadoma High Schools, Zimbabwe

Daniel Gamira*
*Department of Teacher Development, Great Zimbabwe University, Zimbabwe.
Gamira, D. (2019). The Integration of ICT in Geography in Selected Kadoma High Schools, Zimbabwe. i-manager’s Journal on School Educational Technology, 15(1), 18-29.


The present study was aimed at investigating the integration of ICT in Geography in two selected schools in Kadoma. The objectives of the study were to assess the exposure of learners to ICT and technological devices, identify the positive contribution of ICT in Geography learning, and to assess the teacher' attitude and competencies in ICT integration in geography education. Questionnaires, interviews, and participant observation research tools were employed to both teachers, administration, and learners in two selected schools. The study revealed that learners at Jameson High school were more exposed to ICT devices than those at Munyaradzi High school. It was identified that ICT integration produces positive outcome when integrated correctly into teaching and learning of Geography as indicated by high pass rate at Jameson High school. The study found that teachers' attitude towards ICT integration in school was generally favourable particularly at Jameson High. The study recommends that ICT should be taken seriously in Geography learning by both teachers and administration; Geography rooms should be equipped with ICT equipment for learning.

The Relationship between High School Teachers' Educational Internet Usage Self-Efficacy Belief and Internet Addiction

Volume 15 Issue 1 June - August 2019

Research Paper

The Relationship between High School Teachers' Educational Internet Usage Self-Efficacy Belief and Internet Addiction

Halil Ibrahim Akyuz*
*Department of Computer and Instructional Technologies Education, Kastamonu University, Turkey.
Akyuz, H. I. (2019). The Relationship between High School Teachers' Educational Internet Usage Self-Efficacy Belief and Internet Addiction. i-manager’s Journal on School Educational Technology, 15(1), 12-17.


It is well known that the Internet provides rich resources for the education of teachers and students. Thus, the purpose of this study is to determine the relationship between high school teachers' educational Internet usage self-efficacy belief and Internet addiction. More specifically, such aspects are examined according to age, gender, length of service, and computer proficiency. The participants in this study consisted of 95 teachers in the Fatih Project, which is a pilot high school program based in Kastamonu, Turkey. For the collection of the research data, the Educational Internet Use Selfefficacy Beliefs Scale and the Internet Addiction Scale were employed, after which the data was analyzed by using Pearson's product-moment correlation coefficient and variance analysis. The results indicate that no significant difference exists between the teachers' educational Internet usage self-efficacy belief and Internet addiction, especially in regard to gender and length of service. In addition, although no significant difference can be found between the teachers' competence in the use of technology and Internet addiction, those with greater self-efficacy belief generally scored higher on the Educational Internet Usage Self-efficacy Beliefs Scale. The implication of the findings is that it is necessary to increase the self-efficacy of teachers regarding educational Internet use, which, in turn, can positively impact their students' information skills.

A Closer Analysis on the Performance of the PUPQC BBTE Graduates in the Licensure Examination for Teachers (2015-2018)

Volume 15 Issue 1 June - August 2019

Research Paper

A Closer Analysis on the Performance of the PUPQC BBTE Graduates in the Licensure Examination for Teachers (2015-2018)

Doris B. Gatan* , Caroline T. Sumande**, Melanie F. Bactasa***
*-*** Polytechnic University of the Philippines, Quezon, Philippines
Gatan, D. B., Sumande, C T., Bactasa, M. F. (2019). A Closer Analysis on the Performance of the PUPQC BBTE Graduates in the Licensure Examination for Teachers (2015-2018). i-manager’s Journal on School Educational Technology, 15(1), 1-11.


Licensure Examination for Teachers' Performance is one of the predictors of quality education offered by Teacher Education Institutions (TEIs). Many among the Teacher Education Institutions in the country have taken a closer look at their graduates' performance and used this as a basis of reflection on what particular enhancement should be done to improve the program. This study, therefore, identifies the strengths and weaknesses of the current education program when it comes to the teaching and learning process in the Polytechnic University of the Philippines Quezon City (PUPQC) Branch. A comparison between the lists of graduates provided by the school with that of the list provided by Philippine Professional Regulation Commission was done to evaluate the individual student's board exam mean rating according to date of examinations and year of graduation. The percentage of rating of first takers, repeaters, passers, and failed takers were included in this study and used for analysis of data. The study aimed to evaluate the performance Bachelor in Business Teacher Education Graduates to the Licensure Examination for Teachers from 2015-2018. It also provided data as to how many graduates push through with the Licensure Examination successfully, what particular area the graduates and the students of Education need enhancement activities or any particular program of action for the PUPQC administration and faculty members to undertake. Based on the findings of the study, the researchers recommended a plan of action as to how to improve the LET performance, considering also the repeaters and those who failed in taking the examination.

Teaching Teachers to Use Constructivist Approaches: A Proposal

Volume 14 Issue 4 March - May 2019

Review Paper

Teaching Teachers to Use Constructivist Approaches: A Proposal

Vaishali* , Pradeep Kumar Misra**
*_**Department of Education in Chaudhary Charan Singh University in Meerut, Uttar Pradesh, India.
Vaishali & Misra, P. K. (2019). Teaching Teachers to Use Constructivist Approaches: A Proposal. i-manager’s Journal on School Educational Technology, 14(4), 56-63.


Emerging research suggest that our education system must move towards learner centred curriculum and teaching methods. Following these suggestions, National Curriculum Framework (NCF) of 2005 emphasized on practicing learner centred approaches in teaching-learning i.e. constructivist approaches, and National Council for Teacher Education (NCTE) regulations 2014 suggested to make constructivist approaches based teaching-learning activities as an essential component of B.Ed. curriculum. In context to these initiatives, two important questions appear in our minds, whether those teachers already in teaching profession are familiar with constructivist approaches, and what challenges these teachers face regarding use of constructivist approaches in teaching-learning processes? Present paper tries to answer these two very important questions. The paper further presents a proposal to support awareness of teachers, and develop skills in practicing constructivist approaches based teaching-learning processes.

The Role of Parental Involvement Impact on Career Decisions Making among Senior Secondary School Student in Selected Province of Bhutan

Volume 14 Issue 4 March - May 2019

Research Paper

The Role of Parental Involvement Impact on Career Decisions Making among Senior Secondary School Student in Selected Province of Bhutan

Sangay Jamba*
*Education Management and Administration, Lower Secondary School, Royal Government of Bhutan.
Jamba, S. (2019). The Role of Parental Involvement Impact on Career Decisions Making among Senior Secondary School Student in Selected Province of Bhutan. i-manager’s Journal on School Educational Technology, 14(4), 49-55.


The present research was carried out to forecast the protagonist of parental involvement in the Career Decision making among students of Senior Secondary School. This study was basically descriptive method used to acquire important and accurate information. The main objectives were to analyze the inter-relationship between career decision making and perceived parental involvement of senior secondary school of Bhutan. And another objective was to study the role of perceived parental involvement on the relationship between career decisions making among students of senior secondary school. The investigator selected 300 senior secondary school students through convenient sampling technique. For the collection of data the investigator used Career Decision making scale, developed by Dr. Kirandeep Singh in 2014 and Parental Involvement tool developed by Dr. Vijayalaxmin Chouhan and Mrs. Gunjan Ganotra Arora in 2009. For the purpose of drawing out the results the investigator used statistical techniques like Coefficient of Correlation and Regression Analysis were used. The outcome showed that a significant negative relationship exists between Career Decision Making and Parental Involvement of senior secondary school students of Bhutan. Also, parental involvement plays a significant predictor role in the career decision making of school students.

Self-Regulated Learning Strategies and School Performance in Higher and Lower Students in Secondary and Preparatory School

Volume 14 Issue 4 March - May 2019

Research Paper

Self-Regulated Learning Strategies and School Performance in Higher and Lower Students in Secondary and Preparatory School

Alemayehu Belay Emagnaw*
*Department of School and Counseling Psychology, Faculty of Educational and Behavioural Sciences, Woldia University, Ethiopia.
Emagnaw, A. B. (2019). Self-Regulated Learning Strategies and School Performance in Higher and Lower Students in Secondary and Preparatory School. i-manager’s Journal on School Educational Technology, 14(4), 37-48.


This study attempted to examine whether there were differences between high-achieving and low achieving students on self regulation strategies. Three hundred adolescents participated (Mean age = 17.4 years) to measure their own self regulated learning strategies and collected their academic scores from the record office of the schools. The analysis of the data showed that self regulated learning strategies have statistically significant contribution to the students' school performance. The results of the general MANOVA (Multivariate Analysis of Variance) tests showed that the mean differences for those with high and low achiever were statistically significant for the academic self-efficacy (F = 4.349, p < 0.05), self regulation (F = 4.746, p < 0.05), intrinsic value (F = 3.741, p < 0.05),and time management attitude (F = 7.947, p < 0.05) self regulated learning.

Perceptions of the Impact of Quality Professional Development on the Sustainability of a One-to-One Computing Initiative at the High School Level

Volume 14 Issue 4 March - May 2019

Research Paper

Perceptions of the Impact of Quality Professional Development on the Sustainability of a One-to-One Computing Initiative at the High School Level

Kerry Morrison*
*Secondary English and Science Instruction, Vance County Schools, Henderson, North Carolina, USA.
Morrison, K. (2019). Perceptions of the Impact of Quality Professional Development on the Sustainability of a One-to-One Computing Initiative at the High School Level. i-manager’s Journal on School Educational Technology, 14(4), 17-36.


It has been said that education is the key to success, and today's youth are tomorrow's human resources. This is the 21 century; and students, who will be the human resources of tomorrow, are being prepared for jobs that may not even exist today. Legislators, policy makers, and researchers have encouraged methods to ensure teachers deliver high quality instruction, including requiring that teachers complete specific training, possess a minimum level of content knowledge, and use curriculum materials and professional development resources available from schools and districts. As a result, teachers need to be exposing students to lessons that are technologically enhanced as they prepare students for the future. This study is a qualitative analysis of a survey and interviews that seek to examine the impact of quality professional development and teacher exposure to technology on the sustainability of one-to-one computing initiatives. This study is supported by the following theories: the Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) framework and Bandura's self- efficacy theory. This study discussed the impact of the TPACK framework and Bandura's self- efficacy theory on the sustainability of a one-to one computing initiative. The key findings in this study were that content-driven professional development, clear expectations for technology use in classrooms, and the availability of school-based instructional coaches can impact the sustainability of a one-to-one computing initiative. As is defined by Bandura's self-efficacy theory, teachers are more likely to implement technology in the classroom that can sustain a one- to-one computing initiative if they are confident in their ability to use technology. This study also discussed recommendations for practice that school districts can use as they sustain a one-to-one computing initiative.

Tutoring as an Early Field Experience for Preservice Teachers: A Teacher Preparation Educator’s Reflections

Volume 14 Issue 4 March - May 2019

Research Paper

Tutoring as an Early Field Experience for Preservice Teachers: A Teacher Preparation Educator’s Reflections

Cynthia Brooks Wooten*
*Department of Elementary Education, College of Education, Fayetteville State University, USA.
Wooten, C. B. (2019). Tutoring as an Early Field Experience for Preservice Teachers: A Teacher Preparation Educator’s Reflections. i-manager’s Journal on School Educational Technology, 14(4), 1-16.


The role of teacher educators as researcher-practitioner is viewed in this narrative reflection from the perspective of the author, the professor of record for a course in which an early field experience tutoring opportunity was embedded. The manuscript reports on the tutoring experiences through the lens of the author with instigations and collaboration with the preservice teachers. Limitations suggested, include the intentional omission of any experimentation but focuses on the lived experiences of the professor exploring this early field experience implementation. The findings are reflective and opines that a commitment to move a course into the authentic school setting should cause the author to reflect on the collaboration prior to any experimental investigation of the impact. It is believed that research may suggest how germane early field experiences are to future educators, but the voice of the instructor as the subject of the experience should be part of the body of literature as a phase of ongoing research of practice.

Studying the Relation between Information Processing Skills and Metacognition with Academic Achievement

Volume 14 Issue 3 December - February 2019

Research Paper

Studying the Relation between Information Processing Skills and Metacognition with Academic Achievement

G. Kumaravelu*
*Post Doctoral Fellow, School of Education, Pondicherry University, Puducherry, India.
Kumaravelu, G. (2019). Studying the Relation between Information Processing Skills and Meta Cognition with Academic Achievement. i-manager’s Journal on School Educational Technology, 14(3), 40- 44.


The study is descriptive-correlative in nature and it is intended to examine the correlation between Information Skills and Metacognition with academic achievement. The population of the study consists 300 students of secondary school level, who are completing secondary school in 2017-2018, 150 males and 150 females were randomly chosen as the sample of the group. Information Processing Skills scale (IPS) was developed by the investigator and Meta Cognition Inventory (MCI) developed and standardized by Govil (2003) were used to collect data. SPSS was used to scrutinize data from descriptive statistic indices calculating standard deviation, average, Pearson's correlation coefficient, and independent T test. Results revealed that Information Processing skills and metacognition of students had no effect on their academic achievements. Results also showed that self esteem of female students were higher than that in males.

Effectiveness of Computer Assisted Instruction in Learning Mathematics among Eighth Standard Students

Volume 14 Issue 3 December - February 2019

Research Paper

Effectiveness of Computer Assisted Instruction in Learning Mathematics among Eighth Standard Students

R. Prabhu* , G. Subramonian**
* Assistant Professor, Sri Ramakrishna Mission Vidyalaya College of Education (Autonomous), Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India.
** Associate Professor, Sri Ramakrishna Mission Vidyalaya College of Education (Autonomous), Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India.
Prabhu, R., and Subramonian, G. (2019). Effectiveness of Computer Assisted Instruction in Learning Mathematics among Eighth Standard Students. i-manager’s Journal on School Educational Technology, 14(3), 36-39.


The purpose of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of Computer Assisted Instruction (CAI) in teaching mathematics among eighth grade level students. The study dealt with the various facets of CAI and their impact on teaching mathematics. The study produced results showing overall growth of teaching and its desired outcome in learning. By the use of CAI, in a short span of time the voluminous concepts in mathematics could be explained with ease. Also, the concentration of students in learning by the students get highly focused on the subject taught which is not feasible in the classical method of teaching. By framing feedback questions, the teacher could assess the knowledge gained by the students immediately after the teaching session.

Perception of Value Oriented Programmes among Secondary School Students

Volume 14 Issue 3 December - February 2019

Research Paper

Perception of Value Oriented Programmes among Secondary School Students

K. V. Rani * , Anaswara Asokan**
* Assistant Professor, Department of Education, S.N. Training College, Nedunganda, kerala, India.
**Sree Padam Sree Saraswathy Vidya Niketan, Mamom, Attingal, Kerala, India.
Rani, K.V., and Asokan, A. (2019). Perception of Value Oriented Programmes among Secondary School Students. i-manager’s Journal on School Educational Technology, 14(3), 25-35.


Value education refers to planned educational actions aimed at the development of proper attitudes, values, emotions and behaviour patterns of the learners. So value oriented programmes are organising in schools to inculcate values among students. The objectives were to find out the level of perception of value oriented programme by the secondary school students which are implemented in secondary schools and to find out if any difference in the perception of value oriented programmes by the secondary school students with reference to gender, age and type of school. 302 samples were selected from a population of VIII, IX and X secondary school students of Attingal Educational District. The investigators developed a Rating scale on Perception of Value Oriented Programme among secondary school students. Analysis of the survey data was done by percentage analysis, ANOVA and t-tests. The results showed that the level of perception of value oriented programmes by the secondary school students is low. Female students showed more significant difference in their perception of value oriented programmes than that of male students. Students with age group of 14 and 15 showed higher value perception of value oriented programmes than that of 13 year old students. Government school students showed greater perception of value oriented programmes than that of aided and private school students and it may be due to the transmission or modelling of good values from teachers to students because of their friendly relationship. Also Government is paying interest in the well functioning of the schools and for the betterment of the students in all respects.

Experiences out of the classroom: The importance of fieldwork in learning Geography at Secondary School

Volume 14 Issue 3 December - February 2019

Research Paper

Experiences out of the classroom: The importance of fieldwork in learning Geography at Secondary School

Thomas Firomumwe*
*Geography and Business Studies Teacher, King Solomon Commercial College of Zimbabwe, Harare, Zimbabwe.
Firomumwe, T. (2019). Experiences out of the classroom: The importance of fieldwork in learning Geography at Secondary School. i-manager’s Journal on School Educational Technology, 14(3), 16-24.


Fieldwork is one of the traditional approaches adopted in holding instructional approaches in the field of geography. It was adopted in the discipline of geography because of its direct experience and exposure to learners. The present study investigates the importance of field trip in geography, and the importance of fieldwork in geography secondary schools was unveiled and barriers that inhibit fieldwork were identified. The research adopted qualitative approach in obtaining data. Research reveal that fieldwork is important in developing observation skills and other generic skills in geography. It was revealed that field investigation develops learner's cognitive understanding of the subject matter of geography. However, lack of finance and cooperation from the administration hinders effective implementation of fieldwork in secondary schools. From the results, it is recommended that administrators must commit themselves to the value of fieldwork in producing geographers with real and factual contemporary knowledge.

An Analysis on the Leadership Characteristics of Sports High School Students in Terms of Some Predictor Variables

Volume 14 Issue 3 December - February 2019

Research Paper

An Analysis on the Leadership Characteristics of Sports High School Students in Terms of Some Predictor Variables

Mehtap Akilli* , Fatih Yenel**, Ismail Aktas***
* Research Assistant, Gazi University, Turkey.
**Assistant Professor, Sport Sciences Faculty, Gazi University, Turkey.
***Ph.D Scholar, Department of Physical Education, Gazi University, Turkey.
Akilli, M., Yenel, F., and Aktas, I. (2019). An Analysis on the Leadership Characteristics of Sports High School Students in Terms of Some Predictor Variables. i-manager’s Journal on School Educational Technology, 14(3), 6-15.


In this study, it has been aimed to examine the leadership characteristics of sports high school students in terms of some predictor variables. The working group has consisted of a total of 258 individuals: 103 females and 155 male students who have studied in sports high schools in Ankara. Data collection tool of the research has been formed as three parts: Personal information form, “The Leadership Characteristic Scale” and “Communication Skills Scale”. In addition to propounding the descriptive statistics, for data analysis, Pearson correlation analysis and multiple regression analysis have also been applied. It has been concluded that variables such as communication skills, age, sport team, branch (sport type), and grade level have a moderate correlation with the leadership characteristics. Two models have been designed since it has been determined that there is a correlation which may cause multiple connection problems between the predictor variables. The results obtained have shown that both models are statistically significant (1. Model p<0.001 R2=.422, 2. Model p<0.001 R2=.459). The results of this study which has examined the leadership characteristics of young people in sports high school has pointed out that some variables also influence the leadership characteristics as well as communication skills of individuals.

Cybercrime: An Alert for School Students

Volume 14 Issue 3 December - February 2019


Cybercrime: An Alert for School Students

D. R. Robert Joan*
* Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, Christian College of Education, Marthandam, Tamil Nadu, India.
Joan, D. R. R. (2019). Cybercrime: An Alert for School Students. i-manager’s Journal on School Educational Technology, 14(3), 1-5.


Cybercrime is a crime that occurs through internet from any place. The victim does not know the person who is doing the crime online. The person who commits cybercrimes is called as e-hacker as they hijack other accounts and take ownership for it without the knowledge of the account owner. The other terms for cybercrime are computer crime, ecrime, internet crime or online crime. The e-hackers are targeting the account of familiar person i.e., politicians, actors, public sector. In 2016, congress party vice president's twitter account was hacked by a group named as legion (ET Bureau, 2016). In present scenario, the benefits of technology dominate life, so it is unseparable. Moreover, in educational situation, technology takes a vital role. So the teachers are well equipped with recent trends and have an ability to teach “how to handle the technology equipments” rather than avoid it. In addition, the criminals trap the teenagers through internet. Cybercriminals collect the information of others, mainly student's detail through the social network or from other sources and use it for crimes. The criminals use the details to blackmail the students and it will spoil the life of the next generation students. This paper gives some idea to protect everyone or way to escape from the prying eyes. Therefore, the author presents this paper to create awareness among the school students and to give an alert for school students to escape from the hand of cybercriminals.

Toward an Integrated Technology Integration Framework for Teacher Preparation: Instructional Technological Competence

Volume 14 Issue 2 September - November 2018

Survey Paper

Toward an Integrated Technology Integration Framework for Teacher Preparation: Instructional Technological Competence

S. Korucu-Kis * , K. S. Ozmen**
* Department of English Language Teaching, Necmettin Erbakan University, Konya, Turkey.
** Department of English Language Teaching, Gazi University, Ankara, Turkey.
Korucu-Kis, S., and Ozmen, K. S. (2018). Toward an Integrated Technology Integration Framework for Teacher Preparation: Instructional Technological Competence i-manager’s Journal on School Educational Technology, 14(2), 31-50.


A number of technology integration frameworks have been introduced to gain a better understanding of intrinsic factors influencing teachers' use of technology. While some frameworks emphasize the incorporation of technology with pedagogy, others underline the critical role of beliefs in a successful implementation process. However, what is missing in these frameworks is to blend these separate but interdependent constructs into a coherent framework. Thus, the present study aims to close this gap by proposing a technology integration framework extending a previous research study that introduced the idea that student teachers' technological awareness, beliefs, knowledge, and skills should be addressed simultaneously in technology courses given that addressing these constructs in isolation impedes the continual interaction between them, thus causing student teachers to feel not well prepared to teach with technology. The proposed framework is intended to provide a common language for teacher educators to discuss how student teachers should be prepared to achieve technology integration in classrooms.

Influence of Social Intelligence of Secondary School Teachers on the Academic Achievement of their Students

Volume 14 Issue 2 September - November 2018

Research Paper

Influence of Social Intelligence of Secondary School Teachers on the Academic Achievement of their Students

Ph.D. Scholar, Department of Education, St. Ann's College of Education (Autonomous), Mangaluru, Karnataka, India
Chandini. (2018). Influence of Social Intelligence of Secondary School Teachers on the Academic Achievement of their Students. i-manager’s Journal on School Educational Technology, 14(2), 24-30.


The aim of this study is to examine the Influence of the Social Intelligence of Secondary School Teachers on the academic achievement of their students. A sample of 100 secondary school teachers was assessed to find their Social Intelligence by using the Social Intelligence Scale designed by Dr. N. K. Chadha and Usha Ganeshan to assess the Social Intelligence of the sample. The marks obtained by the students in SSLC board exam were used to assess the student's academic achievement. The result of this study showed the number of teachers having average Social Intelligence is more than the teachers having high and low Social Intelligence. There is no significant difference in Social Intelligence of Male and Female teachers. But there is a significant difference in Social Intelligence of Rural and Urban school teachers and a significant positive relationship between Social Intelligence of Secondary School teachers and their Students Academic Achievement. The finding have implications for the teachers to empower themselves by having high Social Intelligence which promote students’ betterment and healthy environment in schools.

The Effect of Personal Learning Network Exposure on Pre-Service Teacher's Digital Resource Search Habits

Volume 14 Issue 2 September - November 2018

Research Paper

The Effect of Personal Learning Network Exposure on Pre-Service Teacher's Digital Resource Search Habits

Tracy Russo* , Jason Siko**
* Senior Online Design Consultant, Extended and International Operations, Ferris State University, USA.
** Associate Professor and Director of Accreditation, College of Education, Madonna University, USA.
Russo, T., and Siko, J. (2018). The Effect of Personal Learning Network Exposure on Pre-Service Teacher's Digital Resource Search Habits. i-manager’s Journal on School Educational Technology, 14(2), 12-23.


Teacher confidence with technology integration remains generally low over time, and teacher preparation programs have been tasked with supplying the education sector with teachers ready to implement an ever-changing toolkit of technologies. These efforts can be hampered by isolation of the traditional technology course and lack of field component. In this pilot study, the authors leverage students' personal experiences gained while creating a selfdeveloped Personal Learning Network (PLN) to build confidence and capabilities for searching appropriate web-based resources to include in a technology-infused lesson plan. Through two course iterations, framing PLN construction around internet searches of their final project resources was found to increase PLN and resource portal utilization, a course goal to improve the quality of selected resources over those found in more simplistic internet searches. Further iterations look to increase connections between assignments exploring technologies and integration into studentcreated lessons.

Virtual Classroom: A Gift for Disabled Children

Volume 14 Issue 2 September - November 2018


Virtual Classroom: A Gift for Disabled Children

D. R. Robert Joan*
Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, Christian College of Education, Marthandam, Tamil Nadu, India.
Joan, D. R. R. (2018). Virtual Classroom: A Gift for Disabled Children.i-manager’s Journal on School Educational Technology, 14(2), 7-11.


In the present scenario, schools eliminate disabled children by conducting entry behavior or intelligence test. For that reason, all gifted and talented students are admitted in the general education classroom. Fulfilling the educational needs of the students in the classroom is currently a major problem for a lot of teachers in institutions. Among the many varied challenges faced by the general education teacher, one challenge is mainly impenetrable. That is, how does the teacher fulfill the special needs of students with extraordinary academic ability and the needs of those students who are not as sophisticated? The insensitive reality of overcapacity and budget cuts makes it increasingly difficult to meet the educational needs of every student. Teacher centered instruction, or teaching the same curricula to all students, is no longer a feasible approach. Teachers have to discover innovative ways to stimulate thinking and create advanced learning opportunities for all students, especially for learning disabled children. The best way to make classes more effective was by using virtual technology in the classroom for learning disabled children. In this article, the author discussed how teachers could infuse best practices from learning disabled children through the formation of a virtual classroom environment in learning.

Providing Counseling Services in High Schools: Partnerships in Higher Education

Volume 14 Issue 2 September - November 2018


Providing Counseling Services in High Schools: Partnerships in Higher Education

Gina Cicco*
Associate Professor, The School of Education, Department of Counselor Education, St. John's University, New York, USA.
Cicco, G. (2018). Providing Counseling Services in High Schools: Partnerships in Higher Education. i-manager’s Journal on School Educational Technology, 14(2), 1-6.


This article will discuss the importance and implications of providing high quality school counseling services in K-12 schools, and specifically in high schools. The delivery of comprehensive school counseling programs and related services such as mentoring and academic advisement have been linked to students' academic success, graduation rates, and post-secondary outcomes in terms of college admission and retention (Castro-Atwater, 2013; DeKruyf, Auger, & Trice-Black, 2013; Engberg & Gilbert, 2014). The multi-faceted roles of contemporary school counselors will be highlighted, with a focus on responsive services that they deliver directly and indirectly. Competencies that school counselors are expected to demonstrate in successful schools will expand beyond providing individual and small group counseling services to delivering comprehensive guidance curricula in academic, personal/social, and career development domains through services, such as classroom guidance, consultation, and coordination of special events (Schmidt, 2014). School counselors are charged with taking on advocacy and leadership roles to ensure that all students have equal access to a diversity of post-secondary options while offering training to enhance students' college preparedness and planning skills. To do this effectively, ethically, and responsibly, school counselors must seek to achieve multicultural competence and continual professional development (Davis, Davis, & Mobley, 2013; Savitz-Romer, 2012). The impact of effective counseling programs and services will be reviewed as well as the need for students to obtain rigorous college and career preparation, which can be enhanced through technology and software geared towards delivering guidance curricula. An example of an actual high school and university partnership will be shared to illustrate the potential for high schools to partner with institutions of higher education to fulfill mutual goals while serving the community of learners. Institutions of higher education can contribute to K-12 schools by offering professional development on instructional technologies, particularly those utilized in career and college preparedness services for students, and by providing the expertise of trained faculty and their interns to supplement existing school resources (Gysbers, 2013).

K-12 Learning Theory: Understanding Conditions of Empowerment and Conflict Resolution

Volume 14 Issue 1 June - August 2018

Survey Paper

K-12 Learning Theory: Understanding Conditions of Empowerment and Conflict Resolution

Gabrielle L. McBath*
Ph.D. in Educational Leadership, Northcentral University, USA.
Mcbath, G. L. (2018). Implementation of Smart Classrooms among Secondary Schools in Puducherry Union Territory. i-manager’s Journal on School Educational Technology, 14(1), 52-57.


In U.S. K-12 academia, Conditions of Empowerment and Conflict Resolution are interlinked. Covey's (1991, 2004a, 2004b) Conditions of Empowerment and Short's et al. (1993,1994a,1994b), 3 articles of Conflict Resolution connect these two examples. Covey (1991, 2004a, 2004b) suggests educational stakeholders start with the element of trust, while deriving from an honorable character. Drucker's philosophy mirrors this as well (Cohen, 2010). In order for a school district to assess empowerment for long-term goals, one must look at the strength of the faculty, not administration's in isolation. This would disregard personality traits or behavioral styles of employees. This study assessed Covey's (1991, 2004a, 2004b) Conditions of Empowerment; they include, 1. Character (i.e., Abundance Mentality), 2. Skills (i.e., communication, effective interaction, and listening with intent), 3. Win-Win Agreements, 4. Self-Supervision, and the five steps toward Accountability. Short's articles (1993, 1994a, 1994b) reveal that empowerment includes conflict resolution. Teacher-empowerment is a main criterion of managing faculty expectations and preventing unnecessary conflict in the K-12 school district. This is achieved by shared- responsibility and consistent positive communication. However, future research is needed to assess how teachers perceive empowerment from administrators.

Implementation of Smart Classrooms Among Secondary Schools in Puducherry Union Territory

Volume 14 Issue 1 June - August 2018

Research Paper

Implementation of Smart Classrooms Among Secondary Schools in Puducherry Union Territory

Nimisha Baby* , K. Chellamani**
* PG Teacher, Thrisilery Government Higher Secondary School, Wayanad, Kerala, India.
** Professor, School of Education, Pondicherry University, Puducherry, India.
Baby, N., & Chellamani, K. (2018). Implementation of Smart Classrooms among Secondary Schools in Puducherry Union Territory. i-manager’s Journal on School Educational Technology, 14(1), 39-51.


Technology based teaching has been supported for nearly five decades in India. The Universalisation of Secondary Education policy of our government (India) in its Rashtriya Madhyamik Shiksha Ashiyan (RMSA) programme introduced Smart classroom and provided amenities for operation. Support for the significance in teaching learning programme is clear through the mandates and program development yet the question still arises related to the rigor of this approach to teaching and learning. The researchers had the finding out its utility in reality. This study focuses on work done in the Pondicherry Union territory. A Stratified random sampling technique was used for analysis to identify participants to determine if rigor was evident and at what levels. Therefore, the findings may be of help to the policymakers to make necessary actions in future implementation.

Awareness about Teachers Eligibility Test (TET) among Pupil-Teachers

Volume 14 Issue 1 June - August 2018

Research Paper

Awareness about Teachers Eligibility Test (TET) among Pupil-Teachers

R. K. Parua*
Associate Professor, School of Education, North Orissa University, Baripada, Odisha, India.
Parua, R. K. (2018). Awareness about Teachers Eligibility Test (TET) Among Pupil-Teachers. i-manager’s Journal on School Educational Technology, 14(1), 35-38.


The purpose of this study is to find out the awareness about Teacher Eligibility Test (TET) among pupil-teachers. A sample of 200 pupil-teachers randomly selected pursing B.Ed. degrees in B.Ed colleges in the eastern region of India participated in this study. The study used a survey design. An awareness about TET scale was used to collect data from pupil-teachers. The result of the study indicated that the students belonging to urban areas are more aware about TET than the rural areas students. Further, the prospective teachers of science stream had more awareness about TET. So, it is suggested that the required resources and facilities should be provided to the pupil-teachers during their training to get knowledge and awareness about Teacher Eligibility Test.

Effect of Situated Learning Model on Critical Problem Solving Skills among Higher Secondary Pupils

Volume 14 Issue 1 June - August 2018

Research Paper

Effect of Situated Learning Model on Critical Problem Solving Skills among Higher Secondary Pupils

Dorothy D’ Souza A. C.* , Clare A. C.**
* Research Scholar, St. Ann’s College of Education (Autonomous), Mangalore, Karnataka, India.
** Principal, St. Ann’s College of Education (Autonomous), Mangalore, Karnataka, India.
D' Souza, A. C. D., & Clare, A. C. (2018). Effect of Situated Learning Model on Critical Problem Solving Skills among Higher Secondary Pupils. i-manager’s Journal on School Educational Technology, 14(1), 27-34.


Situated Learning takes place in the social and physical context within which it will be used. In this model, the pupil is “situated” in the learning experience and knowledge acquisition becomes a part of their learning activity. From their experiences pupils “construct” their own knowledge in various learning situations. The success of situated learning experiences depends upon social interaction and kinesthetic activity. Critical Problem Solving Skill is an intellectual process wherein one skillfully conceptualizes, applies, analyses, synthesises, and evaluates knowledge that was constructed through observation, experience, reflection, reasoning, and communication in order to solve a problem. The present study revealed that Situated Learning Model is significantly more effective than Conventional Method with respect to levels of Intelligence of Secondary School pupils and levels of Intelligence have significant effect in enhancing Critical Problem Solving Skills among pupils of Higher Secondary School.