Thursday 14 November 2019

Interaction Effect of Instructional Strategies (Collaborative Techno - Enhanced Anchored Instruction and Traditional Method) and Learning Styles on Social Skills Among Secondary School Pupils

Volume 13 Issue 4 March - May 2018

Research Paper

Interaction Effect of Instructional Strategies (Collaborative Techno - Enhanced Anchored Instruction and Traditional Method) and Learning Styles on Social Skills Among Secondary School Pupils

Flavia D'souza* , Vijaya Kumari S. N.**
* Research Scholar, Department of Education, St. Ann's College of Education (Autonomous), Mangaluru, Karnataka, India.
** Associate Professor and Research Guide, St. Ann's College of Education (Autonomous), Mangaluru, Karnataka, India.
D'souza, F., and Kumari, S. N. V. (2018). Interaction Effect of Instructional Strategies (Collaborative Techno - Enhanced Anchored Instruction and Traditional Method) and Learning Styles on Social Skills Among Secondary School Pupils. i-manager’s Journal on School Educational Technology, 13(4), 35-44.


The fact that the future of a nation lies in the hands of its knowledgeable, technologically skilled, and civilized citizens is irrefutable. Secondary schools are primary centers for acquiring academic excellence as well as essential life skills. With each student being unique in his ability, learning styles, and social background, diverse experiences in secondary school helps students acquire lifelong utilizable Social Skills as a part of their schooling. Physics Education when suitably integrated with Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and constructive learning strategies is said to promote academic success, develop interpersonal and intrapersonal skills, and foster over-all well being of young adolescents. With this standpoint, the present study aims to investigate the main and interaction effects of instructional strategy named Collaborative Techno-Enhanced Anchored Instruction (CTEAI) and learning styles on social skills among Secondary School Pupils. Being an experimental study, the findings highlight that CTEAI is significantly more effective than traditional methods of instruction in developing social skills among secondary school students. This paper also provides educational implications which helps educationalists undertake initiatives for appropriate infusion of innovative teaching-learning strategies that further enhance the social skills of secondary school students.

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