Wednesday, 13 November 2019

Emergence of Organizational Change and Organizational Learning through Development of a Communications Plan

Volume 12 Issue 2 September - November 2016

Research Paper

Emergence of Organizational Change and Organizational Learning through Development of a Communications Plan

Beverly D. Hill*, Alice T. Ledford**
* Instructional Systems Specialist, Department of Defense Service Component Organization, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA.
** Adjunct Professor, School of Education, Capella University, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA.
Hill, B. D., and Ledford, A.T. (2016). Emergence of Organizational Change and Organizational Learning through Development of a Communications Plan. i-manager's Journal on School Educational Technology, 12(2), 1-10.


The purpose of this action research study was to create an organizational communications plan to enhance a Department of Defense (DOD) adult education institution's capability to communicate with its course writers and others internal and external to the organization. It sought to answer the question: how will an organizational communications plan be developed to convey course development duties, responsibilities, and submission requirements clearly to its course authors? The rationale for the study was the institution perpetually missing course activation dates. Qualitative data were collected, using Argyris and Schön's (1996) double-loop learning concept in addition to Eoyang's (2007) transforming feedback loop, inclusive of an organizational communications data collection tool, archival organizational information, a seven member focus group, as well as meeting minutes and a researcher journal. The findings concluded that by using action science, theory and practice can be successfully merged as in the development of a comprehensive organizational communications plan.

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