Monday 19 December 2016

A Study on Institutional Perception of Student Teachers on the Principles of Total Quality Management

Vol. 10  Issue 2
Title:A Study on Institutional Perception of Student Teachers on the Principles of Total Quality Management
Author Name:S. Sundaresan and N. Muthaiah
Education shapes the destiny of a nation, and is the principal instrument for developing human capabilities. Educational quality is highly influenced by the learning experiences gained during the teaching-learning process. The concern for improving quality of teaching-learning process is significant, since this is a mechanism through which the content and intent of curriculum is transacted at elementary, secondary as well as higher education level. In order to impart quality education, our education system has to acquire the following qualities such as quality syllabus, quality faculty, quality teaching and evaluation, quality research and quality character. As quality education is need of hour, all the quality issues should be given top most priority with equal attention. Hence the present study was focused in such a way to study the perception of students of teacher education institution towards different quality parameters. A survey was made with the help of the Student's Institutional Perception Scale (SIPS) constructed by Subramonian and Muthaiah (2006). This survey was conducted among 150 student teachers and the results revealed that, in studying the quality management of the institution, the perception of students towards their institution varied with regard to their gender and there was no variation with regard to their educational qualification with their locality.

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