Monday 19 December 2016

E-Governance in Education: Pursuit of Education Excellence

Vol. 11  Issue 2
Title:E-Governance in Education: Pursuit of Education Excellence
Author Name:Sundarapandiyan Natarajan
This article aims to explore today's educational challenges, being technologically supreme, the primary focus on education is to bring out the outcome and value based education to the community. Electronic Governance (e- Governance) focuses not only the technological infrastructure and getting the learning environment sync is the major challenge. E-Governance is an application of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) used at various levels both the government and private sectors for improving national service enhancement as well as it’s development. Egovernance in education is preferred to have a smooth functioning of educational institutions including Universities, colleges and relevant administrative layers in the field. The solutions from Information and Communication Technology eases and gets away with conventional methods of educational administration including assessments, record keeping, students and teaching monitoring systems. However, the education development, student – teacher enhancement towards educational excellence is still a serious concern in developing countries especially in India. Technology savvy may bring advancements but only value driven education along with learner determined education focus could bring human excellence. This needs an awareness and swift for the young conventional thinkers and educationists on driving outcomes through value based education approach and commitment by capitalizing e-infrastructure for social and community building through blended flexible learning strategies.

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