Vol. 12 Issue 1
Title:Reflecting on Online Course Evaluations: Five Must-Do's For Faculty and Students
Author Name:Gina Cicco
This article will review the experiences of a graduate counselor educator in teaching and evaluating her online courses. The author will summarize her most effective instructional and assessment mechanisms, based on student performance through achievement of course objectives as well as students' feedback and comments on specific online counseling courses and methods. The article will then provide five guidelines or must-do's that have demonstrated success for faculty members and students in fully online courses at the graduate education level. These five must-do's emerged from a thorough and comprehensive review of ten online graduate counseling courses taught at a metropolitan university in New York City within the past three years. The data collected is currently being analyzed and synthesized into a research report. The five recommendations proposed by the primary instructor include Presence, Interaction, Clarity, Consistency, and Availability, which create the acronym, “PICCA”, to summarize a proactive and creative approach to teaching and learning in online courses (Cicco, 2013; Cicco, 2015). Underlying the faculty and student roles in a PICCAbased online course is the understanding that each individual has a responsibility to remain attentive and engaged throughout the duration of the course and should hold an authentic commitment to strive for an optimal learning experience. The article will also include suggestions on specific ways to adapt and implement PICCA in the virtual classroom.
Title:Reflecting on Online Course Evaluations: Five Must-Do's For Faculty and Students
Author Name:Gina Cicco
This article will review the experiences of a graduate counselor educator in teaching and evaluating her online courses. The author will summarize her most effective instructional and assessment mechanisms, based on student performance through achievement of course objectives as well as students' feedback and comments on specific online counseling courses and methods. The article will then provide five guidelines or must-do's that have demonstrated success for faculty members and students in fully online courses at the graduate education level. These five must-do's emerged from a thorough and comprehensive review of ten online graduate counseling courses taught at a metropolitan university in New York City within the past three years. The data collected is currently being analyzed and synthesized into a research report. The five recommendations proposed by the primary instructor include Presence, Interaction, Clarity, Consistency, and Availability, which create the acronym, “PICCA”, to summarize a proactive and creative approach to teaching and learning in online courses (Cicco, 2013; Cicco, 2015). Underlying the faculty and student roles in a PICCAbased online course is the understanding that each individual has a responsibility to remain attentive and engaged throughout the duration of the course and should hold an authentic commitment to strive for an optimal learning experience. The article will also include suggestions on specific ways to adapt and implement PICCA in the virtual classroom.
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