Monday 19 December 2016

Setting Objectives of Value Education in Constructivist Approach in the Light of Revised Blooms Taxonomy (RBT)

Vol. 10  Issue 3
Title:Setting Objectives of Value Education in Constructivist Approach in the Light of Revised Blooms Taxonomy (RBT)
Author Name:Sankaranarayanan Paleeri
Transaction methods and approaches of value education have to change from lecturing to process based methods according to the development of constructivist approach. The process based methods provide creative interpretation and active participation from student side. Teachers have to organize suitable activities to transact values through process based teaching. This paper deals with the ideas of preparing Educational objectives and organizing student centered or process based classes on value education in accordance with the Process Dimensions proposed in Revised Blooms Taxonomy (RBT). RBT suggests Remember, Understand, Apply, Analyze, Evaluate and Create as the process dimensions. Teachers can organize the objectives of value education classes according to these process dimensions. It will promote effective transaction of values in modern methods.

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