Wednesday 13 March 2013

Performance In Physical Science Education By Dint Of Advance Organiser Model Of Teaching

Vol. 6 No. 1
Year: 2010
Issue: Jun-Aug
Title: Performance In Physical Science Education By Dint Of Advance Organiser Model Of Teaching 
Author Name: P.B. Beulahbel Bency, B. William Dharma Raja 
Education should be made painless and the teaching must be made effective.  Teaching is an activity, which is designed and performed for multiple objectives, in terms of changes in student behaviours.  Models of teaching is just a blue print designed in advance for providing necessary structure and direction to the teacher for realizing the stipulated objectives.  Ausubel in his theory of meaningful verbal learning, the most important ideas, phenomena and other difficult words are presented in the beginning of instruction, so that the learner can easily understand each and every concept and learning becomes meaningful.  According to Ausubel’s Advance Organizer Model of Teaching (AOMT), the concepts are hierarchically organized from simple to very abstract and all the concepts are linked together.  Ausubel believes that structural concepts of each discipline can be identified and taught to the students and the students can become an information processing system to solve problems.  The objective of the study is to find out the effect of AOMT on the achievement, gain and retention of the secondary prospective teachers in physical science.  The investigator adopted Pretest - Posttest Equivalent Group Design for the study.  Sixty prospective teachers, 30 for experimental group and 30 for control group, were selected as sample.  Statistical techniques used were standard deviation and t- test for independent variables. Findings of the study reveal that performance and retaining capacity of the experimental group are significantly higher than that of the control group.  


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