Friday 8 March 2013

Teaching Style of Teachers in the colleges of Education

Vol. 5 No. 2
Year: 2009
Issue: Sep-Nov
Title: Teaching Style of Teachers in the colleges of Education 
Author Name: Robinson 
Teaching is deemed to be the noblest of all professions. The innovations in teaching techniques have placed the teacher educator’s approach individualized and more learner-centred. The advancement of science and technology has provided the modern teacher with better teaching aids and exposure. The novel methods of group discussion, symposium, seminar, debate and quiz programmes have tremendous influence upon the teaching-learning process effectively. The present study has focused on the teaching style of 30 teachers from colleges of education in the Union Territory of Puducherry. The data have been collected from the subject teachers, the teachers of humanities and language. The data have been analyzed by employing ‘t’ test and coefficient of concordance. The results reveal that in their instructional planning varies. The rewarding result of the observation is that there continues to be a linking feature.




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