Wednesday 6 March 2013

Social Interaction Strategies and Techniques for Today’s Classrooms

Vol. 4. No. 4
Year: 2009
Issue: Mar-May
Title: Social Interaction Strategies and Techniques for Today’s Classrooms 
Author Name: Dan R. Saurino, Penelope L. Saurino , Robert Clemente 
An emerging research tool used in recent years to better understand and improve teacher thinking has been the use of collaboration and collaborative action research. In our study, we were interested in whether teachers could enhance the learning of their subjects through the use of teaching techniques and strategies involving social interaction. Both traditional strategies and technology techniques were utilized in one cycle of Collaborative Interactive Group Action Research in an attempt to determine whether increasing social interaction implementations might increase on-task time, engagement, motivation, and ultimately achievement.  Three teachers in different classroom environments participated in the study and interacted in a group including two university professors.  Results indicated that there were significant advantages to increasing social interaction strategies and techniques as well as some challenges associated with their implementation.

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