Friday 1 February 2013

Alternative Assessment in Moral Education in Malaysia

Vol.1 No.4
Year: 2006
Issue: Mar-May
Title  : Alternative Assessment in Moral Education in Malaysia 
Author Name  : Vishalache Balakrishnan 
Synopsis  : 
Moral feeling, moral thinking and moral acting are aspects in Moral Education for Malaysian schools. Students are encouraged to practice what they learn within and outside the boundaries of the class room. In the year 2000, there were shift in assessing teaching and learning of Moral Education in which equal weightage were given to the cognitive/moral thinking aspect, as well as moral feeling and moral acting. This has resulted in an assessment paper for Moral Education requirement focusing upon practical work students carry out, based on themes taught in the classroom. Policy makers together with Malaysian Examination Board produced a comprehensive syllabus and formative assessment sheets to assess students involvement in the implementation of the new system. Unfortunately, at this initial stage many flaws were found and policy makers need to reassess before it becomes “settled”, given serious backfire from teachers and students concerned.

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