Thursday 28 February 2013

Stemming Down High Rates Of Truancy, Drop-Out And Failure In Secondary Schools In Osun State

Vol. 3 No. 3
Year: 2008
Issue: Dec-Feb
Title: Stemming Down High Rates Of Truancy, Drop-Out And Failure In Secondary Schools In Osun State 
Author Name: Sofowora O. Alaba 
The purpose of this study was to find out whether;(1) truancy, drop-out and failure rates was as a result of the teacher teaching strategy in Secondary Schools in Osun State, (ii) If skill in instructional design has any relationship with failure rate; and (iii) whether teachers that studied Educational Technology would perform significantly better in their teaching profession than those that did not. The study also investigated the rate at which teachers utilized instructional materials and the extent of ensuring active, participatory and effective learning among secondary school students in Osun State. Three hundred and sixty three samples were selected from all the secondary schools in Osun State. They were divided into three groups, that is, the Art subjects, Science subjects and the social sciences. The statistical programme for social sciences (SPSS) was used to analyze the data. The result showed that; (1) 65% of the students sampled showed great dissatisfaction with their teachers’ teaching method (x2=2.41<p0.05), (2) The data collected  showed that only 20% of their teachers use the library always in Arts,4% in Sciences and 7% in Social sciences, (3) The teachers in Osun state seldom employed instructional materials that would have motivated the students and encouraged active and participatory learning, (4) The result also showed that there was a significant relationship between the teacher’s teaching strategies, truancy, drop out and failure rate in secondary schools in Osun State(X2 =19.40 p<0.05), (5) Teachers who studied Educational Technology and instructional design were able to use a better approach and  performed significantly better in their teaching profession than those that did not study Educational Technology (x2=2.52<p 0.05).

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