Thursday 7 February 2013

Using Open Source Software (OSS) To Enhance a Teacher Training Program


Issue: Jun-Aug
Title  : Using Open Source Software (OSS) To Enhance a Teacher Training Program 

Author Name  : Lee E. Allen 

Synopsis  : 

The Memphis Literacy Academy (MLA) is a partnership between the Memphis City Schools and The University of Memphis' College of Education, with the primary focus on urban education. The purpose of the MLA is to train elementary teachers and principals in urban schools in grades K-3, and special education classrooms from selected Memphis schools on research-proven “comprehensive reading” instruction practices for urban children (Cooter, 2004).The principal investigators for the grant funding the MLA partnership incorporated a technology component to support, enhance, and facilitate communications for the MLA program. Several options were researched before a decision was made as to the nature and purpose of the technology to be incorporated into the MLA program. After exploring numerous avenues to accomplish the technology component integration, the decision was made by the MLA project members to utilize the open-source software (OSS) course management platform, Moodle.

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