Thursday 7 February 2013

Technology Education: Craft, Creativity, Textbooks or Technology


Issue: Jun-Aug

Title  : Technology Education: Craft, Creativity, Textbooks or Technology 

Author Name  : Ossi Autio 

Synopsis  : 

 Changes in the economy, nature, production and society together with increasing scientific and technological knowledge make demands of transforming school teaching in the field of technology education. This article analyses current trends in Finnish technology education. The aim of the article is to explore briefly the integration between Science - and Craft education and some of the current practices in technology education in Finland. Finnish technology education can be characterized as a design approach that has evolved from the craft-oriented tradition. Additionally, it involves many elements of computer controlling and electronic principles, but still much of the learning is focused on production skills. Approaches that are now dominant in craft education do not prepare students to meet the challenges of modern technology and working life.

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