Wednesday, 27 February 2013

Emerging Technologies: An Overview of Practices in Distance Education

Vol. 3 No. 2
Year: 2007
Issue: Sep-Nov
Title: Author Name: Irshad Hussain 
In contemporary society,information technologies and communication technologies (ICTs) are playing crucial role in dissemination of knowledge and information the world over. Universities/ higher education institutions, particularly distance education universities in developed countries are making best use of these technologies for effective and interactive teaching learning process. Developing countries are also trying to adopt the model of developed countries according to their resources and circumstances. Distance education universities in developed countries like United States of America and United Kingdom are using advanced (emerging) technologies such as computers, Internet (World Wide Web) satellite communication, teleconferencing (videoconferencing and audio conferencing) and virtual reality in education and training. In developing countries like India, Pakistan and Thailand, distance education universities are using Radio, Television and Internet for teaching learning purpose and students support services. They are using computers mostly for office work. They are trying to adopt advanced technologies like developed countries but they have some limitations of resources (human & material resources). In future it is hoped that developing countries will also be using emerging technologies for teaching learning purpose.

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